<%@Language=VBScript%> Winportal Installation Guide <% ' Application Name sApplicationName = "WinPortal" ' Get the Version set oDOM = CreateObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument") oDOM.async = false bResults = oDOM.Load("d:\\TNT\\WinPortalDeployment\\UpdateVersion.xml") if NOT bResults then m_AppVersion = "???" m_UpdateURL = "???" else Set CreateDOMFromFile = oDOM m_AppVersion = oDOM.selectSingleNode("//AvailableVersion").text m_UpdateURL = oDOM.selectSingleNode("//ApplicationUrl").text end if %>
TNT LogisticsTNT Logistics
WinPortal Installation Guide 


  1. WinPortal requires the .NET framework 1.1. You must Install the framework first before installing WinPortal 

  2. Create the TNT directory. - C:\TNT 

  3. Set Permissions and Security.  (you must have administrator rights)
  • on a windows XP machine, right click the C:\TNT folder, click Properties, SecurityUnder Group or
    user names
    you should see the Everyone user. if not click 'Add' and type in TNTNET\Everyone and click
  • set the following permissions on the TNT folder that you created for the user  TNTNET\Everyone.

    Modify, Read and Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, Write


  1. Install Winportal using the Installer (QA, PROD )

    when the "File Download" dialog comes up, click on "Open"

  2. Follow the instructions specified by the installer
    • remember to choose "Install for Everyone" when prompted by the installer
    • if the directory you created in #1 is other than C:\TNT, then specify that folder as your install directory.
      For example if you created D:\WinportalDeployment instead of C:\TNT, when prompted by the installer.
      specify D:\WinportalDeployment\WinPortal
    • if you specified a directory other than the directory in #1 then you have to set the rights on that folder after the install
      and make sure that those rights are inherited by all subfolders 

  3. A shourtcut will be created for you on your desktop with the Matrix icon and the shortcut name "WinPortal"
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